Developing a KM Strategy is a process which will be different in every organisation – tailored to specific needs, business priorities, culture and theory of change.

As a general guide, the first stages in KM Strategy development are usually to assess the current capability of the organisation and establish a clear vision for the value and benefit that could be realised.  This can be developed using creative workshops, appreciative inquiry, storytelling, interviews or self-assessment models – or any combination of these.

An effective KM strategy will draw on learning from past change initiatives and any existing KM-related activities, and combine this with positive examples and successes to build on. What does it feel like when your organisation gives the right focus to managing knowledge?

A “transformation map” of current, planned and possible activities can be generated by a group of stakeholders to ensure a balance between people, process, technology and leadership-related efforts.  The transformation map can be used as input to a high-level, and then more details planning approach which maps KM pilots and interventions against business activities.

All of this is usually underpinned with analysis of the necessary resources, roles, governance and approach to evaluation which makes sense of the learning and provides insights for the future.

See the blog posts below for more...