Lonely Hearts...

I wrote 50 Valentine cards today.  Actually that's  a lie - 51 in total, if you include the one for my wife.

In a moment of madness I offered to follow-up on an "offers and requests" process at a recent meeting of the Henley KM Forum looking at the topic of Collaboration.  The participants had just finished a post-it note exercise, identifying their needs and offerings on a set of flipcharts. It's hard to keep the momentum going, even with a good network like this one, once people have left the room. 

So... I spent today matching up people "who have something to share" with people who have "something to learn". Seeing as tomorrow is a day for matchmaking, we're sending each of the potential "knowledge dates" a personalised electronic Valentine card like this mock-up - but with their photos.  (With apologies to Cilla Black and Leonardo!).

There's a lot of KM and networking insights to be drawn from Dating agencies...

Love hearts by Andrew Jalali